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IVI East Starts Climate Care Journey Across Textile Operations with CarbonSWOT

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IVI East Starts Climate Care Journey Across Textile Operations with CarbonSWOT


IVI East



Realizing the importance of climate care, IVI East wanted to embark on this journey to make its contribution to sustainable production. But they sought a special approach: operating in multiple regions, they needed a solution that could make gathering and managing emissions data from various locations easy. That’s why they chose CarbonSWOT.


Implement a Global Carbon Management Solution

Cover the entire scope of IVI East’s climate care activities with CarbonSWOT: 
from calculating to managing and reporting GHG emissions.

Centralize Carbon Data for Operations in Textile Related Business

Utilize CarbonSWOT’s centralized platform to gather and manage carbon data 
from diverse locations. This would ensure consistency, accuracy, and a unified approach to carbon management.

Analyze Carbon Emissions by Location

Besides a holistic overview, leverage CarbonSWOT’s analytical tools to analyze carbon emissions data by reporting locations. This would allow for a granular understanding of each operational region’s impact and the suitable reduction measures for them.

Ensure Compliance with Global Standards

Stay informed about global environmental regulations and standards related 
to carbon emissions. Entrust IVI East’s compliance with all relevant requirements across its global operations to CarbonSWOT.

Drive Continuous Improvement

Establish a continuous improvement framework with CarbonSWOT’s AI recommendation engine. Periodically review and actualize the measures as well as track their implementation progress.

Generate Comprehensive Customer Reports

Use CarbonSWOT’s reporting capabilities to generate comprehensive reports 
that would showcase IVI East’s global carbon footprint, providing transparent 
and clear communication to stakeholders and customers.


  1. IVI East successfully adopted CarbonSWOT’s to comprehensively manage carbon emissions across all their locations, spanning China, USA, Germany, 
and Turkey.

  2. Our platform provides a user-friendly interface and functionality that accommodate the varied needs 
of teams across the customer’s different regions.

  3. CarbonSWOT offers multilingual support on the platform to ensure accessibility and ease of use for all our customer’s global teams.

  4. Ivi East’s sustainability teams regularly review CarbonSWOT’s insights 
and identify opportunities for further emission reduction. Our customer encourages innovation and the best sustainability practices across all 
their locations.

By implementing CarbonSWOT’s carbon management solution across their global textile operations, IVI East aims to lead the industry in sustainable practices, promote global collaboration, and contribute to a greener future. We fully support our customers on their journey, providing a technical basis for realizing their aspirations.


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