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See how CBAM

will affect your imports

  • Aluminium products
  • Aluminous cement
  • Ammonia
  • Cement
  • Crude steel
  • Ferro Manganese
  • Ferrochrome
  • Iron or steel products
  • Mixed fertilisers
  • Nitric acid
  • Pig iron
  • Unwrought aluminium




    • Albania
    • Algeria
    • Bahrain
    • Belarus
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Brazil
    • Canada
    • Chile
    • China
    • Colombia
    • Egypt
    • Georgia
    • India
    • Indonesia
    • Israel
    • Japan
    • Jordan
    • Malaysia
    • Morocco
    • Mozambique
    • Norway
    • Pakistan
    • Russia
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Serbia
    • South Africa
    • South Korea
    • Switzerland
    • Taiwan
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • Tunisia
    • Turkmenistan
    • Türkiye
    • Ukraine
    • United Kingdom
    • United States
    • Vietnam
    • EU27
    • Other


    Est. CBAM certificate € importing 100 tons of Aluminium products from Albania

    Est. fine for not complying with the CBAM reporting regulations

    Consequences of Non-Compliance with CBAM Reporting Requirements

    1. Financial Penalties:

    • Fines: Companies that fail to submit CBAM reports or calculations may be subject to substantial fines. The exact amount can vary depending on the severity and duration of the non-compliance but typically involves significant financial penalties designed to deter non-compliance.
    • Daily Penalties: In some jurisdictions, there may be additional daily penalties for each day the required documentation is not submitted after the deadline.

    2. Trade Restrictions:

    • Suspension of Imports: Non-compliance can lead to suspending the importation of goods subject to CBAM until the necessary reports and calculations are provided.
    • Increased Scrutiny: Future imports from the non-compliant company may be subjected to increased scrutiny and inspections, potentially delaying the customs clearance process.

    3. Legal Consequences:

    • Legal Actions: Persistent non-compliance may result in legal actions against the company, including litigation and enforcement actions by regulatory authorities.
    • Compliance Orders: Authorities may issue compliance orders mandating the submission of CBAM reports and calculations within a specified timeframe.

    4. Reputational Damage:

    • Public Disclosure: Non-compliance incidents may be publicly disclosed, harming the company’s reputation and its relationships with customers, suppliers, and stakeholders.
    • Loss of Market Access: Reputational damage can lead to loss of market access in regions where CBAM compliance is mandatory, affecting the company’s competitive position.

    5. Operational Disruptions:

    • Operational Delays: Non-compliance can cause operational delays due to the time required to resolve the compliance issues and submit the necessary documentation.
    • Increased Compliance Costs: Companies may face increased compliance costs in the future as they may need to implement more stringent measures to ensure adherence to CBAM regulations.

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