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SKSM Adopts CarbonSWOT for Holistic Carbon Management Across the Organization

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SKSM Adopts CarbonSWOT for Holistic Carbon Management Across the Organization



>100 employees

TNS > 78 mPLZ



SKSM had very ambitious sustainability plans and needed the cutting-edge technology that would accommodate them. CarbonSWOT became such 
a solution for them.


Implement Holistic Carbon Management

Utilize CarbonSWOT’s comprehensive solution to calculate, manage, and report carbon emissions across all facets of the customer’s organization, including operations, supply chain, and facilities.

Benchmark Existing Carbon Footprint

Conduct an initial assessment using CarbonSWOT’s tools to benchmark SKSM’s existing carbon footprint. This would provide a baseline for setting realistic reduction targets.

Set Ambitious Reduction Goals

Establish ambitious yet achievable carbon reduction goals. These goals should have aligned with industry standards and reflect the customer’s commitment to sustainability.

Optimize Energy Consumption

Leverage CarbonSWOT’s insights to identify opportunities for optimizing energy consumption within the customer’s facilities. Implement strategies to reduce 
energy-related emissions and enhance operational efficiency.

Track and Manage Supply Chain Emissions

Use CarbonSWOT to track and manage carbon emissions throughout the SKSM’s supply chain. Collaborate with their suppliers to implement sustainable practices and ensure transparency in the sourcing and production processes.

Automate Reporting

Streamline the reporting process by leveraging CarbonSWOT’s automation capabilities. Generate regular reports for internal and external stakeholders, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information on the customer’s carbon performance.

Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Stay informed about evolving environmental regulations and standards related 
to carbon emissions. Rely on CarbonSWOT’s regulatory compliance to ensure 
that the customer’s organization meets all necessary requirements.

Enhance Employee Engagement

Use CarbonSWOT’s tools to engage SKSM’s employees in sustainability initiatives. Provide insights into the impact of individual and collective actions on carbon emissions, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.

Continuous Improvement

Establish a continuous improvement cycle by regularly reviewing CarbonSWOT’s analytics and identifying new opportunities for emission reduction. This would ensure that our customer is consistently advancing toward their sustainability goals.


  1. CarbonSWOT seamlessly integrates 
with SKSM’s existing systems 
and processes.

  2. The platform provides user-friendly dashboards and reporting features tailored to the needs of SKSM’s sustainability team, ensuring regulatory compliance.

  3. Our solution offers scalable 
and customizable tools to accommodate 
the diverse carbon management needs 
of SKSM’s business, including supplier engagement and employee surveys.

  4. We provide training and support 
to ensure the effective use 
of CarbonSWOT across our customer’s organization.

By adopting CarbonSWOT’s carbon calculating, managing, and reporting solution, SKSM aims to not only meet their ambitious sustainability targets but also foster a culture of environmental responsibility throughout the organization. Our customer has a strong commitment to driving positive change and contributing to a more sustainable future 
that we fully share and support.


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